Friday 30 September 2011

Building reference

Today we went out taking pictures for reference of making a street. For my street I wan't to have a Victorian theme so I took lot's of pictures of old houses, street's and cobbles. These are my top 5 reference pictures.

This first picture I have here is good reference of stone brickwork, I can edit this in photoshop to make a pattern that I can add into 3D Max as a texture onto a wall. I want to change the colour a bit though since I want my street to be a night-time street and I a hint of blue in the stonework to give it an overall cold look.
 This is a good reference of the kind of windows I want to use, to make them I'd probably have to use a lot of cylinders and boxes to make this window-frame so it'll be quite hard, if I did do this I intend to simplify the design a quite bit. 

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