Tuesday 11 October 2011

Experimentation with content ware fill and other methods.

Today we manipulated this image to prepare it for making a texture.
As you can see the image is quite wonky so to straighten it up we got up rulers (view > rulers) and dragged them to points like window frames, walls and the roof to get a grid like this.

Then after duplicating the layer we went into edit > transform > skew and moved the four corners of the building images and the sides until the image was straighter. We then played around using content ware fill to remove the windows.
We managed this by using our polygon lasso tool to roughly select say the sign post, then going into edit > fill and selecting content aware. This got rid of most of the post but sometimes it can leave a piece of window frame or door there by mistake which you can get keep getting rid of with content aware until you get the desired effect. Another way to get the same result is by using the clone tool, by selecting an area to 'draw' from with the Alt key held down you simply paint over any blemishes and it brushes over it with the area you selected with the Alt key.

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