Tuesday 11 October 2011

Selecting aspects of images

 Today we looked at taking a certain aspect from one picture, for example a window, and preparing it for use in a texture file.

First, just like before we first straitened the building up as much as we could on a new layer. Then we got out the rulers and made a box around the window we wanted for the rectangle marquee to clip to when we selected it.
We then copied it and made a new document (which if you have the preset set to clipboard will be the exact right size for when you paste the window in.) After this we skewed it a bit more to get it as straight as possible  and then we went around the frame with the pen tool to get an accurate selection. When we finished the path around the window we right clicked it and selected 'convert to selection' and then we inversed the selection so we could delete the wall and save it as a png file to keep the transparency.

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